AIDirections - Your AI Partner

AIDirections - Your AI Partner

Adapting Artificial Intelligence is all about finding the best strategy and implementing it wisely. Get to know the in-depth information by the CEO of one of the leading AI firms in the UAE, all covered in this exclusive interview of Day of Dubai

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gaining immense popularity across the world. The technology is rapidly growing in many different Media Advertising in Dubai business sectors to make the processes within organizations faster, more accurate, simpler and cheaper.

Many businesses are either already adopting AI solutions, e.g. for managing and analyzing huge amounts of data, or planning to do so in the near future.
AIDirections is a distinguished AI company that provides awareness, consultancy and develops custom-made AI solutions for organizations for the best implementation of AI in the UAE and GCC.

Dr. Angelika, the CEO of AIDirections talks to Day of Dubai Vacancies telling us in-depth information about what AI Directions is going to do and how AI will change the world we live in – all covered in this exclusive interview!

Dr. Angelika, Could You Please Give A Brief About Yourself And AIDirections?
Dr. Angelika said, “AIDirections was found with the aim of empowering organizations to make the best use of AI.  As we have seen in the past, not all AI projects were completed successfully. According to a Gartner study, up to 85% of AI projects worldwide are either failing or are lacking behind the expectations. This is a sad number and we want to change this number, particularly in the UAE and GCC.”

She added, “I have a background in mathematics and at the time of my PHD, I came in contact with AI. I found the subject very fascinating but then, we did not have enough connectivity, data and not enough Dubai Jobs computing power. The ideas were already there but the implantation was not successful. So, I worked in security field for a long time and there I developed the worldwide well- known standard ISO/IEC 27001, maybe some of you have implemented and I do hope you liked it. I also developed the cyber security strategies for Dubai, together with my friends from the Dubai Electronic Security Centre. After all this security work, I decided that it’s time to work for AI again.”
What Makes AIDirections Different From Other AI Companies In GCC?

“AIDirections is a UAE founded and based company – we are here when we are needed! I am here in UAE for 9 years and experienced in this time that local presence is very important. Flying experts in does often not work, they are rarely available when needed and have little or no experience regarding the local culture.

Unlike many other companies, we are providing the whole AI journey, starting from awareness and training, assessing an organization’s AI readiness, followed by developing an AI strategy for the organization – every Find a job in Dubai  organization should have one! When it comes to implement the AI strategy, we can provide own solutions as well as pointing our customers to other solution, through our partners and by researching the possibilities. Finally, we are also providing on-going support, and if an organization decides for one of our solutions, we keep improving them,” Dr. Angelika said.

She added, “Our solutions are neither depended on connectivity, nor on cloud services (such as Microsoft, Amazon or Google, which is what a lot of the others do) – all AI we are using is our own, self-developed AI. This has the media marketing Dubai  advantage that we do not need any connectivity, and that sensitive data does not leave the UAE, which is a requirement to be complied with by all governments.

We do not sell boxes! We strongly believe that AI is not “one size fits all”, we are extremely flexible and tailor our solutions to the needs of the client.”


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